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#137 😴 Genesis 40-41 Pharaoh's Dreams 🐄 🐮 🍽️ 💀

Writer's picture: Saved And LovedSaved And Loved

Joseph is now in a dungeon prison and well respected by his fellow inmates and guards. He was put in charge of all other inmates and managed them well. He interpreted the dreams of two inmates and told one to tell Pharaoh of this gift of interpretation. But he forgot. Then Pharaoh had his dreams that disturbed him of the skinny and fat cows, and he called Joseph to interpret them. The dreams came from God, and the interpretations also came from God. Joseph explained the coming seven-year famine and how to prepare for it. Thus, Pharaoh put him in charge of all of Egypt to become second in command, fulfilling prophecy. This story is the male version of Cinderella. All his hardships ended happily and prosperously for Joseph to rule Egypt.

Chapter 40: The Prison Dreams

Joseph is imprisoned in Pharroh's dungeon for a false accusation of sexual misconduct by his master's wife, Potiphar. Despite his dire circumstances, Joseph maintains his faith and integrity. Lord blesses Joseph in everything he does in prison.

But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison. The keeper of the prison committed all the prisoners that were in the prison to the charge of Joseph. So whatever they did there, he was the one responsible for it. The keeper of the prison did not concern himself with anything that was under Joseph’s charge because the Lord was with him. And whatever he did, the Lord made it to prosper. Genesis 39:21-23 MEV.

In prison, Joseph interprets his two inmates' dreams, Pharaoh's cupbearer and baker. Both men experience perplexing dreams, and Joseph, by the grace of God, is given the ability to interpret them.

In the first dream, the chief cupbearer sees a vine with three branches that blossom and bear grapes. He squeezes the grapes into Pharaoh's cup and presents it to him. Joseph interprets this dream as a sign that the cupbearer will be restored to his position in three days. In gratitude, Joseph asks the cupbearer to remember him and speak to Pharaoh.

In the second dream, the chief baker dreams of three baskets on his head filled with baked goods. Birds descend and eat the contents of the top basket. Joseph's interpretation is less favorable: within three days, the baker will be executed.

Joseph's accuracy in interpreting dreams foreshadows his future role in Pharaoh's court.

Chapter 41: Pharaoh's Dreams

Pharaoh now has troubling dreams of seven healthy cows emerging from the Nile River, followed by seven gaunt, ugly cows that devour the fat cows. In his second dream, he sees seven healthy ears of grain on a single stalk, followed by seven thin and blighted ears of grain that consume the healthy ones.

Pharaoh, disturbed by these dreams, seeks answers from his wise men and magicians, but none can provide a satisfactory interpretation. It is then that the cupbearer remembers Joseph, who accurately interpreted his dream in prison. Joseph is summoned before Pharaoh, and he humbly attributes his gift to God.

Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams, declaring that both dreams convey the same message. Egypt will experience seven years of abundant harvest followed by seven years of severe famine. He advises Pharaoh to appoint a wise and discerning man to oversee the collection and distribution of grain during the years of plenty to prepare for the years of famine.

Pharaoh, recognizing Joseph's wisdom and insight, appointed him as the second-in-command, or Vizier, of all Egypt. Joseph's rise to power is swift and astonishing, and he is given the Egyptian name Zaphenath-paneah. This fulfills God's promise and purpose for Joseph with his dreams that his brothers would bow down to him in Chapter 37.

Josephs's story shows God's hand in his life and overcoming adversity. What his brothers and Potiphar's wife meant for evil, God turned it for his good to prosper him to become second in command of all of Egypt.

His ability to interpret dreams was a gift from God. God led him to rise in power to save all of Egypt and his family from the famine. His story is an inspiration to all of us that despite our trials and circumstances, God can turn it around for good, creating a Cinderella in all of us.


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